Hell Bent For Metal

#83 – Viking Horn

Episode Summary

The LGBTQ+ heavy metal podcast raises an eyebrow at Amon Amarth telling us to raise our horns, finds queer relevance in a Slayer song (somehow), and puts releases from Tyrannus, bigLOVE and Kardashev into the jukebox of HCGBs.

Episode Notes

Hell Bent For Metal, being a mature, serious podcast, reads the lyrics to 'Raise Your Horns' by Amon Amarth, and finds the phallic euphemisms are so close to the surface, they're basically poking through it. With Matt Rushton away, Tom is joined by Charlie Howard and Matt Dawson to chortle at a song about Vikings being thirsty for a drink from a nice big horn.

In shocking news, Tom's found a Slayer song he thinks is a Camp Classic, as 'Altar Of Sacrifice' apparently has some queer relevance. Even more shockingly, both Matt and Charlie find some too.

Plus this week's releases being added to the Hate Crew Gaybar jukebox are Unslayable by Tyrannus, Crusaders Of Joy by bigLOVE, and Liminal Rite by Kardashev.