Hell Bent For Metal

#88 – Gods Of Grind(r)core

Episode Summary

Metal's LGBTQ+ podcast explains why "Suffer The Children" by grindcore gods Napalm Death is super relatable to queer ears, and there's a ramble through the reasons why stoner metal rifflord Matt Pike's wardrobe did not compute with Tom's gaydar.

Episode Notes

Hell Bent For Metal finally gets around to talking about Napalm Death, as the grindcore gods' song 'Suffer The Children' turns out to be super relatable to the LGBTQ+ metal fan, as Tom, Matt D and Charlie all confirm. Plus there's a full rundown of the myriad weird ways Tom's seen Napalm Death, and an explanation as to exactly why he describes the band a very specific way.

Plus there's an amusing if rambling explanation as to why the wardrobe choices of stoner metal legend and all-round rifflord  Matt Pike (Sleep, High On Fire) wardrobe choices, in context, has occasionally confused the hell out of some gay onlookers' gaydars.

There's no HCGBs this week due to a twink-related incident explained in the show, but there is news on something cool coming from HBFM on Friday.